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Cosmetics Industry
Batch Process Solutions
Considerations Cosmetics and contract manufacturers face:
How would you benefit from sign-offs done faster and more accurately that also save the Supervisor’s time? Get better batch quality with fewer rejected batches. fewer supervisor trips to the factory floor, greater operator accountability.
How valuable to you are accurate bar code verification and interactions? Assure that the correct materials and quantities are added.
How would you benefit from really understanding your process variable data that can be collected without disrupting the process and assure perfect batches? Minimize batch variability - tackle temperature overshoots, cut down process step time differences, eliminate wrong material additions. Read more on our blog post.
How would you benefit from implementing simple to install recipe-driven process controls that assure perfect, repeatable batches are manufactured? Achieve accurate recipe execution, learn historical batch performance, assure perfect batch repeatability.
How much can you save from operators making quick, accurate, and uniform data-driven decisions when making cosmetics? Cut waste way down, higher potential sales, historian for accountability and training.
What would you gain by monitoring and analyzing both optical and process data? Real-time QC. See our blog post for more details.
Contact ANA to discuss how our productivity tools can help meet your needs for industrial automation, automated process control, batch processing hardware and software, and electronic batch records.
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